Friday, June 28, 2024


A Dramatic Twist: 

The Accession of King Richard III


    Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, acceded to the throne of England as King Richard III on 26 June 1483. But how did someone, who was originally 5th in line, seize the crown in a matter of months? Today, we will discuss Richard’s almost impossible accession as King of England.

King Richard III, Barthel II, c. 1520

    Richard Plantagenet was the eleventh of twelve children born to Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York, and his wife, Cecily Neville. Richard’s childhood was spent in the shadow of the tumultuous time we now know as the Wars of the Roses. Richard’s father, the Duke of York, made a play for the throne, as King Henry VI was an inept king. For years, the Yorks would fight their cousins, the Lancasters, in a disastrous tug of war for power, which resulted in the death of the Duke of York and his second son, Edmund Plantagenet, among many others.


    The Duke of York’s eldest son, Edward Plantagenet, continued his father’s work, winning battle after battle, and was eventually crowned King Edward IV. Edward IV elevated his brothers to the peerage- George was named the Duke of Clarence and Richard, the Duke of Gloucester. George and Richard were both made Knights of the Garter and Knights of the Bath.

King Edward IV, Unknown, c. 1540

    Richard was the quintessential chivalric knight of the time. Most importantly, he was loyal to his brother, Edward IV. Richard’s elder brother, George, Duke of Clarence, on the other hand, was not. George was never satisfied- he was resentful of living in his elder brother’s shadow. He wanted power for himself; what he had was never enough. George allied himself, against his own York family, with the Lancastrians during the period now known as the Readeption- when Edward IV was forced into exile and Henry VI was placed back on the throne. Unlike George, Richard chose to back his brother and fled into exile with Edward IV. George’s resentment, jealousy and constant plotting, combined with his erratic behavior, would cost him his life. He was found guilty of treason and, according to lore, was drowned in a barrel of Malmsey wine. Because of George’s attainder, his son and heir, Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick, was disinherited and debarred from inheriting the throne.

George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, Lucas Cornelisz de Kock, 16c

    When Richard arrived back in England with Edward IV, they embarked on a military campaign to recapture Edward’s crown. Richard proved himself a brave and strong military leader. Once Edward IV was securely back on the throne, Richard returned to the north with his wife, Anne Neville. Edward IV gave Richard significant authority, and he was well regarded by his subjects. The Scots were a constant threat in the north and Richard managed to keep them at bay. In 1482, Richard recaptured Berwick-upon-Tweed from Scotland and it has remained in English hands ever since.


    Edward IV died unexpectedly on 9 April 1483. Edward’s son, also named Edward, was his heir and successor. However, since Edward died so young and unexpectedly, there were no plans put in place for the accession of his son, King Edward V. Edward IV named Richard as Lord Protector of Edward V, as he was only 12 years old and unable to rule in his own right. Upon hearing of the news of his brother’s passing, Richard immediately departed Yorkshire for London. At the same time, Edward IV’s widow, Dowager Queen Elizabeth Woodville, ordered that her brother, Anthony Woodville, bring Edward V to London. Richard had corresponded with Anthony Woodville, and they agreed to meet at Northampton, on the way to London.


Queen Elizabeth Woodville, Unknown, 16c

    Interestingly, Anthony had sent Edward V ahead, further south to Stony Stratford, with the armed guard. Anthony, along with his nephew Richard Grey, and Thomas Vaughan, met Richard at Northampton. Shockingly, Richard had the three men immediately arrested. Richard accused them of treason against the Lord Protector. They were taken to Pontefract Castle where they were executed on 25 June 1483.


    Richard retrieved Edward V from Stony Stratford and advised him that his uncle, Anthony Woodville, his half-brother, Richard Grey, and Thomas Vaughan had plotted against Richard and had been executed. It has been said that Edward V did not believe Richard and defended his uncle and half-brother, stating they would never do such a thing.


    Richard escorted Edward V to London. Arriving on the 4 May, Edward V was first placed into the Bishop’s apartments, but then quickly moved to the royal apartments at the Tower of London. It was custom that most kings spent their time awaiting their coronation at the Tower. All seemed in order.


    Whilst all of this was happening, Dowager Queen Elizabeth Woodville fled into sanctuary in Westminster Abbey. There were factions at court and Elizabeth was not well liked. Her most prized possession, her son, Edward V, was in the hands of her perceived enemy. Elizabeth feared for her safety and for that of her family. What Elizabeth did have, was her second son, Richard Plantagenet, Duke of York. The Duke of York went into sanctuary with his mother, alongside his sisters and half-brother, Thomas Grey.


    Richard, Duke of Gloucester and Lord Protector, began to suspect Elizabeth of plotting against him. In a second completely shocking episode, Richard accused William Hastings, his ally and Edward IV’s best friend, of conspiring with the Dowager Queen. Hastings had never been fond of the Woodville family, so this accusation seems to have come out of nowhere. Richard confronted Hastings during a council meeting. Hastings was dragged out of the chamber and brought to the courtyard where he was immediately executed. Hastings was not offered a trial and did not have the chance to defend himself. It makes me wonder, what did Hastings know that Richard could not risk a trial and also required Hastings’ immediate death?


    On 16 June 1483, Dowager Queen Elizabeth Woodville found herself in sanctuary in Westminster Abbey, surrounded by armed guards of Richard, Duke of Gloucester and Lord Protector. Richard demanded Elizabeth release her second son, Richard, Duke of York, into his custody. Edward V was lonely in the Tower of London, awaiting his coronation which was planned for the 22 June. Richard told Elizabeth his brother should be with him to keep him company. Many disparage Elizabeth for handing over her second son, but I don’t think she had much of a choice. The Abbey was surrounded and if she didn’t send her son out, the armed men would certainly come in. She had the many lives of her children in her hands, and she was forced to trust in Richard. Elizabeth ultimately handed over Richard, Duke of York.

King Edward V and Richard, Duke of York, The Princes in the Tower, John Everett Millais, 1878

    On 22 June, an important event took place. It was not the planned coronation of King Edward V, but rather, in a dramatic twist, a sermon was preached outside of Old St. Paul’s Cathedral by Ralph Shaa, which declared the marriage between Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville invalid, and their children, illegitimate. Richard had been previously informed of a pre-contract of marriage between Edward IV and Eleanor Butler, and he believed this was the perfect time to bring the scandal to light.


    The sermon given declared Richard the rightful King of England. After hearing the sermon, a petition was drawn up by the citizens of London, urging Richard to take the throne. Initially reluctant, Richard accepted the position on 26 June 1483. He was crowned as King Richard III at Westminster Abbey on 6 July 1483. King Richard III, initially 5th in the line of succession, was the last Plantagenet king to be crowned.


    The two Princes in the Tower, Edward V and Richard, Duke of York, were never seen again.


Friday, June 21, 2024




    Mary, Queen of Scots, had been imprisoned at Loch Leven Castle on 17 June 1567. She had previously surrendered to the Protestant nobles of Scotland during negotiations with her Catholic army at the non-battle of Carberry Hill. While Mary was negotiating with the Protestants, her army gradually dissipated, leaving her with no other option but surrender. While imprisoned at Loch Leven, Mary miscarried the twins she was carrying, of her second husband, James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell, and was forced to abdicate her throne in favor of her one-year-old son, King James VI. Nearly a year later, Mary escaped Loch Leven Castle and sought refuge in England from her cousin, Queen Elizabeth I.

Mary, Queen of Scots, Unknown, 16c, National Portrait Gallery, London


    A few days after Mary’s imprisonment at Loch Leven, a silver casket was found in the possession of her husband, Bothwell, which contained eight letters, two marriage contracts, and twelve sonnets. The marriage contracts that were found allegedly proved that Mary had agreed to marry Bothwell before his divorce was finalized. Mary and Bothwell’s marriage had already caused scandalized mouths to drop, as Bothwell and Mary were both implicated in the murder of Mary’s first husband, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley. The eight letters that were found would become known to history as the mysterious “Casket Letters”.


Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, and Mary, Queen of Scots, Unknown, 16c, Hardwick Hall

    So, what were these letters, what were their implications, and did Mary, Queen of Scots, author them?


    The Casket Letters were supposedly written by Mary to Bothwell. One of these letters specifically implicated Mary and Bothwell in the murder of Lord Darnley, which took place in February 1567. The letters were brought to England by Mary’s illegitimate half-brother, the Earl of Moray.  Queen Elizabeth I ordered a commission to investigate whether or not Mary was involved in Darnley’s murder and the Casket Letters served as evidence. During this time, Mary was imprisoned in various castles and estates in England.


James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell, Unknown, 1566, Scottish National Gallery

    Unfortunately, the Casket Letters did not survive the test of time. Without them, they cannot be examined to determine whether they were forgeries or not. Some believe they were forgeries as they were the only source of evidence of Mary’s involvement in the murder. What does still exist, are the transcripts and translations of the letters, alongside William Cecil’s notes.

William Cecil, Lord Burghley, attributed to Marcus Gheeraerts, c. 1585, National Portrait Gallery


    Perhaps the Earl of Moray had set Mary up so she would be forced to abdicate her throne. Mary was a constant threat to Elizabeth I’s throne, and so, some have thought the letters fabricated by William Cecil to get rid of Mary once and for all. The outcome of the commission was Elizabethan in nature- there was not enough evidence to convict Mary of the crime, nor was there enough to acquit. The commission did serve its purpose, however. Mary’s reputation was smeared, her throne abdicated, and most importantly, in Elizabeth’s custody for the remainder of Mary’s life.

James Stewart, Earl of Moray, Hans Eworth, 1561, Darnaway Castle, Scotland


    The problem with the Casket Letters is that Mary’s rival, her half-brother, the Earl of Moray, produced them. The Earl of Moray was an ambitious man and I believe he wanted to rule Scotland. He could only do this if his half-sister was out of his way. I believe the Earl of Moray saw both Mary and Darnley as rivals to the throne. Therefore, in my opinion, Moray orchestrated Darnley’s murder, knowing that Mary would be implicated. When that didn’t go exactly according to plan, I believe Moray had the letters fabricated.



Friday, June 14, 2024




    How did King Henry VIII’s right hand man, fixer of all things, suffer such a tremendous downfall? Thomas Cromwell was brought in to orchestrate the downfall of Queen Anne Boleyn, the Dissolution of the Monasteries, religious reform, and the marriage to Anne of Cleves. Today, we will explore how all Cromwell achieved, ultimately, lead to his demise.

Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1532-1533


    After the death of Queen Anne Boleyn, Cromwell thought himself to be safe. Cromwell and Anne had butted heads in the last months of her life over the Dissolution of the Monasteries. In the dissolutions, Cromwell had furthered his religious reform of England while also filling Henry VIII’s coffers. Anne was not on side with the crown profiting from the dissolutions; she had thought the money would be better spent on charity, education and institutions. Anne had even threatened Cromwell by approving of a sermon that essentially warned the king of his “evil councilors”. Anne went so far as telling Cromwell she’d like to see his head off. With the problem of Queen Anne Boleyn taken care of, Cromwell failed to notice other enemies waiting in the shadows.


Queen Anne Boleyn, Unknown, c. 1550, Hever Castle

    Cromwell continued to further his religious reform but he failed to notice Henry VIII becoming increasingly uneasy about the extent of religious change. Henry VIII was not a religious reformer- he was a Catholic through and through. He only agreed to religious reform when it suited him (i.e. his ability to marry Anne Boleyn). Importantly, Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, was a major figure in the conservative faction and continuously undermined Cromwell’s religious initiatives.


Thomas Howard, 3rd Duke of Norfolk, Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1539

    At the same time, Cromwell was cognizant of the increasing isolation of Henry VIII as a European power. Henry VIII had been excommunicated by the Catholic Church and was in constant struggle with Spain and France, both countries continually entering into secret alliances behind Henry’s back. Cromwell immediately recognized the need for the protection of England from the duplicitous countries.


    Cromwell began to look else were for support and his solution was the Protestant Schmalkaldic League. The League was created to provide protection to its members should King Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor, invade. Cromwell recognized the benefits of this alliance. At the time, the League was not accepting new members, or rather, would not accept Henry VIII. Cromwell proposed the idea of Henry entering into a marriage treaty with one of the daughters of the House of Cleves, perhaps in an effort to wiggle England into the League.


    Henry VIII decided that he would marry Anne of Cleves. Anne of Cleves arrived in England in 1539, ahead of the marriage ceremony. Whatever the reason, upon Henry meeting Anne, he decided he was repulsed by her and did not want to go through with the wedding. Henry tasked Cromwell with the unenviable mission of dissolving the marriage treaty. Cromwell could not find a solution, or would not find a solution, and the marriage went ahead. It was, however, never consummated. Henry was furious. He couldn’t fathom how he, King of England, would be forced to marry someone he did not want. Cromwell underestimated Henry’s resentment, increasingly growing over religious reform and a marriage of which he wanted no part.


Queen Anne of Cleves, Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1539


    In a move that can only be described as SO Henry VIII, Henry rewarded Cromwell with the Earldom of Essex on 18 April 1540. Henry liked to lull his subjects into a state of contentment and ease prior to his fatal strike. Henry fully believed in keeping his friends close, and his enemies closer. Cromwell was grateful for the royal favor and did not see his enemies slowly emerging from the shadows.


    Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, was sent to France to further an Anglo-Franco alliance, against Charles V. Norfolk was received by King Francis I of France and the proposition was favorable. In one visit, Norfolk had undermined Cromwell’s work with the Duchy of Cleves and changed the balance of power in England’s favor. Furthermore, war was on the horizon between the Duchy of Cleves and Charles V. The alliance with Cleves, the brainchild of Cromwell, would put England in a precarious position of declaring war on France, reversing the positive diplomacy between the two countries. France had recently solidified an alliance with the Ottoman Empire, the enemy of Charles V. Henry wanted no part of this.


    The Duke of Norfolk and Bishop Stephen Gardiner saw a unique opportunity. Henry VIII seemed to be taken with Norfolk’s niece, Katherine Howard. Katherine began to be pushed forward by Norfolk and Gardiner and they began planting ideas into Henry’s mind, such as: Cromwell could have secured an annulment from Anne of Cleves, Henry’s subjects were against Cromwell’s reforms, Cromwell was a heretic and he was working against the crown.


Possibly Queen Katherine Howard, Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1540

    Cromwell was in the council chamber at Westminster, when at 3 PM on 10 June 1540, the Captain of the Guard entered the chamber and told Cromwell he had a warrant for his arrest.  The French Ambassador stated Cromwell threw his hat down on the chamber floor, furious. He looked about the room, asked the council members, was this the reward for his services? The council replied he should be judged according to the laws Cromwell himself had made. Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, strolled up to Cromwell and snatched the Order of St. George from his neck. Cromwell’s Garter was then untied. Cromwell was put in a barge and brought to the Tower of London, via the Thames. Cromwell’s residence was then inventoried and goods were taken to the King’s treasury- a sure sign they would not be returned.


    The Spanish Chronicle differs slightly in its telling of the arrest: Cromwell arrived at Westminster and the meeting went ahead. Afterwards, the members attended dinner at Westminster Palace. While walking, a wind blew off Cromwell’s hat and it fell to the ground. It was custom when one man’s hat fell off, the others doffed theirs in a sign of respect. The other men kept their hats on. Cromwell took this as a bad omen. While dining, no one conversed with Cromwell. After dinner, the council entered the council chamber once more, and when Cromwell went to his in his chair, the Duke of Norfolk said, “traitors do not sit amongst gentlemen”.

    A Bill of Attainder was brought against Cromwell declaring him guilty of treason. Cromwell languished in the Tower of London, his execution put on hold until the amicable annulment between Henry VIII and Queen Anne of Cleves. Cromwell wrote a letter to Henry in support of the annulment, ending the correspondence chillingly with “Most gracious Prince, I cry for mercy, mercy, mercy”.


    Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, was beheaded on Tower Hill on 28 July 1540. Ironically, King Henry VIII married Queen Katherine Howard on the same day. In a shocking move, while delivering his speech on the scaffold, Cromwell seemed to deny his Protestant faith and alluded to dying a Catholic. Cromwell’s head was placed on a spike on London Bridge and his remains were laid to rest in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London.


Memorial Plaque of Those Buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London, © All Things Tudors, May 2023

    In time, King Henry VIII came to regret Cromwell’s death. He later alluded Cromwell’s downfall was brought about by pretexts and false accusations of the factions of the court. I don’t believe Henry VIII felt guilty about his death in a personal way; I believe Henry was selfishly remorseful of killing a perfectly capable minister of whom he could leave the work of the realm.

Friday, May 31, 2024




    Margaret Pole was born on 14 August 1473. She was the daughter of George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence. George was a pesky middle child, born between two Kings of England, Edward IV and Richard III. George was never satisfied in life, constantly wanting more while feeling as though what he had wasn’t enough. George was a changeable character, often aligning with those who would satiate his hunger for ambition. George assisted his brother, King Edward IV to the throne, but turned to the Lancastrians when Edward IV refused to allow him more lands, power and advantageous marriages. George assisted his cousin, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, known to history as the Kingmaker, depose Edward IV and return King Henry VI to the throne during the period now known as the Readeption. Edward IV took back his throne and brought George back on side, always keeping one eye on him.


Portrait of an Unknown Woman, thought to be Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, Unknown, c. 1535

    The final straw for Edward IV occurred when George attempted to marry Mary, Duchess of Burgundy. Edward IV could not allow this marriage to take place as it would deliver George the power and means to intensify the rebellions he had already put in place. George was eventually arrested for treason and, allegedly, was executed by drowning in a barrel of Malmsey wine. Margaret lost her father at the age of 5. She wore a bracelet throughout her life, of which dangled a wine barrel charm, perhaps in remembrance of her father, giving the story a particular amount of credence.

George Plantagenet, Duke of Clarence, Lucas Cornelisz de Kock, 16c

     Margaret’s mother was Isabel Neville, eldest daughter of Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick. She and George had married, without Edward IV’s approval, on 11 July 1469. Together, Isabel and George had two surviving children, Margaret, and her brother, Edward Plantagenet. Isabel died on 22 December 1476, most likely from complications from childbirth. Isabel had given birth to Richard Plantagenet in October 1476, but he unfortunately only lived until January 1477. Margaret was now an orphan.


Isabel Neville, Countess of Clarence, Rous Roll, c. 1483

    Margaret’s maternal grandfather, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, stayed on side with the Lancastrians and was killed at the Battle of Barnet on 14 April 1471.

    More tumultuous times would follow. Margaret’s uncle, Edward IV died in February 1478. Margaret’s cousin, Edward V, should have become King, but her uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, had Edward V and his brother Richard, declared illegitimate. This left the throne wide open for Richard to take, as Margaret’s brother, Edward, was barred from the throne because of the Act of Attainder that was passed against their father, George. Margaret would have witnessed her uncle become King Richard III. Tragedy would strike Margaret again, when her cousins, Edward V and Richard, Duke of York, were held in the Tower of London, never to be seen again. They would become known to history as the Princes in the Tower.

The Princes in the Tower, Sir John Everett Millais, 1878


    At this point, Margaret’s life was in constant limbo. However, the crown was still in her family. That would all change on 22 August 1485, when Henry Tudor invaded England and killed Margaret’s uncle, Richard III, at the Battle of Bosworth. Henry Tudor became King Henry VII. This had its pros and cons for Margaret. Elizabeth of York, her cousin, married Henry VII and became Queen of England. Elizabeth of York was always in Margaret’s corner, fighting her for family when she could. However, this meant that the crown was no longer in the York family. It made Margaret and her brother Edward claimants to the throne of England. Rivals would be exactly how Henry VII viewed the Plantagenet siblings.


    While Margaret remained free, Edward was imprisoned at the Tower of London at only 10 years old. He would remain there for the next fourteen years. After multiple pretenders to the throne, rebellions, and an ultimatum from the Spanish Monarchy, Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick, was found guilty of treason. He was executed on 28 November 1499 on Tower Hill. Margaret, already an orphan, lost her only sibling.

Edward Plantagenet, Earl of Warwick, Rous Roll, c. 1483

     However, things took a turn for the better for Margaret when she married Richard Pole. Pole was a Tudor man, however, I think he treated Margaret with great kindness. Margaret needed kindness and grace in her life. Together, they had five children. I think, perhaps, this was the happiest time in Margaret’s life.


    That happiness would be ripped from Margaret in 1505, when Richard Pole died. She was now a widow, without income, and five children to care for. Bereft, Margaret would give her son, Richard Pole, to the church. Richard Pole would go on to have an extraordinary career in the church, but would become a thorn in the backside of King Henry VIII, which would ultimately lead to Margaret’s demise.


    Things began to look up for Margaret in 1509 when Henry VII died and his son assumed the throne as King Henry VIII. Margaret was appointed as Queen Catherine of Aragon’s lady in waiting, possibly a tribute to their time together, when Margaret cared for Catherine when she was first married to Henry VIII’s brother, Arthur Tudor. In 1512, Margaret extraordinarily was restored to her rightful inheritance from her father, as Countess of Salisbury, in her own right. She was only one of two women who held that right in the 16th century. By 1538, Margaret was one of the wealthiest in England.


    But, as the wheel of fortune is constantly turning in 16th century England, Margaret would not stay in favor for long. Remember her son I told you about- Reginald Pole? He became so irksome to Henry VIII, over on the continent, opposing the divorce from Queen Catherine of Aragon and vehement against the King’s relationship with Anne Boleyn. Later, the Exeter Conspiracy would come to light, which sought to remove Henry VIII from power after his break from the Roman Catholic Church. Margaret’s son, Geoffrey Pole, was arrested and brought in for questioning.  Geoffrey confessed that he and his family had corresponded with his brother Reginald about this plot. This made Reginald Pole public enemy number one. Margaret, her son, Henry Pole, Lord Montagu, and Henry Courtenay, Marquess of Exeter, were all arrested on charges of treason in November 1538. All three were found guilty and sentenced to death.


Cardinal Reginald Pole, after Sebastiano del Piombo, c. 1549

    Margaret was held in the Tower of London for two and half years. On the morning of 27 May 1541, she was taken to the scaffold. Margaret suffered the worst beheading, in that the inexperience axe man, it was said, took eleven strokes to complete the execution. According to the Imperial Ambassador, Eustace Chapuys, the main executioner had been sent north to deal with rebels. She was 67 years old and arguably the worst of many stains during Henry VIII’s reign. Margaret was laid to rest in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula in the Tower of London.

Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, Memorial Plaque in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula in the Tower of London, © All Things Tudors, May 2023

    On 29 December 1886, Pope Leo XIII beatified Margaret Pole as a Catholic martyr. Her son, Reginald Pole, would serve Queen Mary I as the last Catholic Archbishop of Canterbury. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Meddling in the Execution of Queen Anne Boleyn and Judging the Best


    Queen Anne Boleyn was executed on 19 May 1536.


Queen Anne Boleyn, Unknown, c. 1550, Hever Castle

    Anne received mass at dawn from her almoner, John Skip. She then broke her fast at 7 AM. If I knew I was to be murdered based on complete lies and fabrication of evidence, I feel eating would be the last thing I would think about. Who knows? Perhaps Anne was just going through the motions and did not eat a morsel. I know I wouldn’t have been able to.


    Around 8 AM, the Constable of the Tower of London, Master Kingston, arrived to escort Anne to the scaffold. Contrary to belief, the scaffold was erected near where the queue begins for the Crown Jewels today- the western side of the White Tower.

Crown Jewels at the Tower of London,  © All Things Tudors, May 2023

    Anne wore a dark colored damask robe trimmed with ermine, a crimson kirtle, and an English hood. Anne climbed the scaffold stairs and gave her last speech to the crowd, who included Thomas Cromwell, Charles Brandon, and Henry Fitzroy, to name a few. Anne’s speech was as follows:


“Good Christin people, I have not come here to preach a sermon; I have come here to die. For according to the law and by the law I am judged to die, and therefore I will speak nothing against it. I am come hither to accuse no man, nor to speak of that whereof I am accused and condemned to die, but I pray God save the King and send him long to reign over you, for a gentler nor a more merciful prince was there never, and to me he was ever a good, a gentle, and a sovereign lord. And if any person will meddle of my cause, I require them to judge the best. And thus I take my leave of the world and of you all, and I heartily desire you all to pray for me”.


    Anne exhibited such bravery while giving this speech. She did not resort to calling out lies and fabrications, she didn’t preach, she did not play the victim. Anne faced death head on (no pun intended) with an abundant amount of courage most of us can only dream of having.


    Once Anne’s hood was removed, she began to exhibit anxiety. Anne wanted to be ready for the sword’s connection, so she kept looking around to see when the executioner would grab the sword. Anne must have seen this style of execution before, perhaps while she lived at the Palace of Mechelen. Her anxiety proved correct- the executioner called for his sword and Anne’s gaze followed the executioner’s. Without knowing it, while gazing off into the distance, the executioner crept up behind her, brandished his weapon, and killed Anne with one swift stroke. The expert swordsman was from Calais and had been ordered before her trial had even begun.


    Anne’s body was placed in a chest and laid to rest in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula. Anne was the first Queen of England to be executed, but she wouldn’t be the last.

                                   The Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London,  © All Things Tudors, May 2023


    But why did this happen? Why did Anne have to die? I think the reasoning is quite simpler than we usually make it. It had been no secret King Henry VIII had been courting Jane Seymour for some months at this point. Historically, Jane has been viewed as a meek and mild woman, quite the opposite of Anne. I would posit, IF she was so different from Anne, would she really have taken the same exact path Anne had in not giving in to Henry VIII? After all, it took Henry and Anne about 6 or 7 years before they were married. I certainly think she did put him off at first, after all, this was how Henry VIII liked to chase his women. But eventually, I do think Jane gave in to Henry and I would put forth that by the end of April, Jane began exhibiting signs of pregnancy. This was why events unfolded so quickly during the Spring of 1536, why Cromwell took down his adversaries, and why Queen Anne Boleyn had to die. Henry VIII did not want another Katherine of Aragon situation on his hands. If he had the possibility of obtaining a legitimate male heir, Henry was going to seize the opportunity. This would also explain the betrothal of Henry and Jane, the day after Anne was executed, and their marriage eleven days later.


                                        Anne's Memorial Slab at the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London,  © All Things Tudors, May 2023

However, Jane did not give birth to her first child, Edward, until October 1537. Prior to January 1537, when Jane presumably conceived Edward, she was constantly hounded with whether she was pregnant or not. Some had even commented that it was odd Jane had not yet fallen pregnant from May 1536 until 1537. In this theory I am putting forward, I would argue since Jane had fallen pregnant relatively quickly in 1536, the rumors possibly stemmed from her conceiving quickly once and then not again for almost a year. Unfortunately, Jane and Henry most likely lost the child that had given Henry hope again. Henry VIII had changed all of England to marry Anne Boleyn, in order to have a male heir, and it seems that Henry VIII killed Queen Anne Boleyn for the same reason. There were no lengths to which he would not go.

                                     Memorial Outside the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula at the Tower of London,  © All Things Tudors, May 2023

Friday, May 17, 2024

No Strangers to Scandal
The Love Story of Charles and Mary Brandon


    Charles Brandon was no stranger to scandal. The year was 1515, and he was about to embark on his most scandalous voyage yet.


    Mary Tudor, younger sister of King Henry VIII, had been sent to France in 1514, at the age of 18, to marry King Louis XII. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey and Henry had worked out a peace treaty with France and marriage to King Louis was part of the deal. At 52 years old, Louis was a great deal older than Mary. Mary travelled to France with her maids in waiting, to include Anne Boleyn, and arrived in October. Mary would not have to suffer her marriage for very long- King Louis XII died less than three months later. Mary was now officially Dowager Queen of France.


    King Henry VIII was under no obligation to France any longer. He wanted to bring his sister back home. Who, you ask, will he entrust to bring back the Dowager Queen of France? None other than his best friend, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk.


    Brandon was a childhood friend of Henry’s. In fact, his father, William Brandon, was King Henry VII’s standard bearer at the Battle of Bosworth in 1485. William Brandon was unfortunately killed during the battle by King Richard III. Perhaps this was a kind act of King Henry VII? Allowing William Brandon’s son to be brought up with his own children, in reward for his acts of valor? It appears Charles was the only person in Henry’s life who was able to retain power, and his head for that matter, throughout Henry’s tumultuous reign.


    But Brandon had earned that position. Henry had elevated Brandon throughout his reign, giving him more leadership roles in battles and positions of power. In fact, in September of 1513, after Tournai surrendered, the keys to the city were given to Henry. Henry quickly passed the keys off to Brandon, a great honor. There were many celebrations after the surrender of Tournai and that is where Brandon first met Margaret of Austria.


Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Savoy, Bernard van Orley, c. 1510-1520


    Margaret of Austria was the daughter of Maximilian, Holy Roman Emperor. She was a widow twice over at this point. She swore to never marry again. But Henry had other plans- he thought Brandon would be a great match for her. The scandalous story goes that one-night, Brandon fell upon his knees before Margaret of Austria. He reached for her hand and removed a ring she had been wearing. Brandon put the ring on his own finger. Margaret laughed and asked for the ring back. Eventually Brandon returned the ring, but he wouldn’t stop there. On a second occasion he did the same thing. Margaret no longer found it amusing but, rather, was annoyed Brandon would think that he, of a much lower status then she, would think to have her for a wife. It was the scandal of Christendom and angered the Holy Roman Emperor, the most powerful man, and Henry’s foe.


Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, Albrecht Durer, 1519 

    After King Louis XII’s death in January 1515, Brandon was dispatched to France to retrieve Mary and as much of her dowry as possible. Before leaving, Henry forced Brandon to swear he would not wed Mary before arriving in England. This, coupled with Mary’s agreement to marry Louis with the stipulation that should she outlive him, she would be free to marry whomsoever she chose, is very interesting indeed. This leads me to believe Mary and Brandon had some sort of romantic relationship prior to her departure for France. It also leads me to believe Henry was very aware of the relationship.


    Either way, upon Brandon arriving in Paris, Mary took matters into her own hands and offered herself in marriage. Brandon agreed and the two were secretly wed in France. The exact date of the wedding is not known, but more than likely occurred in February. What is known is the couple did not have the permission of King Henry VIII. Even more, the two were explicitly told to not marry until they were on English soil. For the first time in his life, Brandon had committed treason- he wed a member of the royal family without permission.


    The pair decided their best course of action would be to get ahead of the rumors. Both engaged in letters to the king in which they apologized, stated they acted out of love, and were indebted to Henry forever. Brandon reminded Henry of their long friendship and Mary reminded Henry of his promise to marry freely. With Wolsey’s help, Henry finally gave in to his sister and new brother-in-law. Brandon and Mary were married in a public ceremony in France on 31 March 1515. They set sail across the English Channel a few days later. Mary was returning home with her husband.


    In exchange for Henry’s forgiveness, the couple were forced to hand over Mary’s dowry, to include her plate and jewels, pay an exorbitant amount in fines, and Brandon was forced to give up his wardship of Lady Lisle (not the ward he would later marry…but that’s another scandalous story for another day!). There are no records to indicate the couple was ever banished from court, contrary to modern belief. Brandon and Mary were formally wed in England at Greenwich Palace on 13 May 1515.


Wedding Portrait of Charles and Mary Brandon, Attributed to Jan Gossaert, c. 1516


    After a brief honeymoon, the couple would return to court later in 1515. Brandon and Mary would remain married until her death in 1533. They had four children together. Contrary to belief, Henry did not seem to harbor any feelings of ill will towards the marriage. In fact, the tremendous fine they were supposed to have paid, was never paid in full. Most strikingly, Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk, had committed treason and was allowed to keep his head.


  A Dramatic Twist:  The Accession of King Richard III        Richard Plantagenet, Duke of Gloucester, acceded to the throne of England ...